Sorry, but Denise's book, The Bride, the Serpent & The Seed are SOLD OUT now.

Sorry, but Denise's book, The Bride, the Serpent & The Seed are SOLD OUT now.
Denise Mountenay is a powerful woman of God who has helped many people get activated in their calling in Christ. She has reached the nations through her books, film and hundreds of speaking engagements all over the world.
Her first book, Forgiven of murder...A True Story, was a National Best Seller in Canada. Her new book, The Bride, The Serpent & The Seed is also a National Best Seller and her books are SOLD OUT now.
Denise is the brainchild of the award-winning HUSH documentary, and she was the co-executive producer of it also. Today, she is producing a movie about her testimony that will change hearts and save precious lives! Rev. 12:11
Her story is typical for millions of women. Denise has led many teams into the United Nations Headquarters in New York and Geneva, organizing Side Events to bring evidence on the damage of legal abortion to women and the fact that abortion is a crime against humanity.
We need PRAYER WARRIORS that will stand in the gap spiritually to see this big vision for a movie come to pass. Please join us in prayer for such a time as this!
Denise is an incredible and dynamic sought after speaker. She has spoken in Hungary, Israel, Ireland, India, Spain, Ghana-Africa, China, Russia, Germany, Switzerland, USA, Mexico, Moldova, UK, Australia, Philippines and across Canada... Her quick wit and great attitude on life along with her strong faith, will bring audiences to their knees - both laughing and repenting. If you would like to learn how to be a powerful voice for the voiceless, learn how to change hard hearts, and save precious lives, please book Denise for your next Pro-Life Event.
This cutting edge book exposes the damage of legal abortion to women and how it took the lives of her children. SOLD OUT!
When does Human Life Begin?
Science says Human Life Begins at the moment of conception, when that one sperm and the woman's egg join together.
Is induced abortion a "safe" procedure?
No, abortion is not "safe" as it means without harm. And many women suffer complications such as cervical and uterine damage, preterm births, breast cancer and mental health problems afterwards.
My Body, My Choice...
When a woman is pregnant, there is another smaller body inside her body. The choice or right to have a doctor kill that baby, should be unthinkable.
This cutting edge book exposes the real damage of legal abortion to women's mental and reproductive health. A very typical story for millions of women today. Denise reports on the lies pregnant women are told, and the horrific trauma and aftermath of abortion. She also teaches on the scientific evidence proving legal abortion is NOT a "safe" practice! Her spiritual journey and encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ changed her life and called her to speak out and be a voice for her children who had no voice.
This is a great resource for teens, young adults, politicians, Pro Lifers and everyone interested in stopping the violence on the greatest crime against humanity in our generation. Books are $20.00 each, email your orders to or
“This is a woman we all should meet! Denise Mountenay, Founder and Director of "Canada Silent No More" has written an excellent book, sharing her amazing story and passion to deal with the horrendous problem of abortion worldwide. I admire women who take a stand and be a voice for the ones who have no voice! This book is packed with information, is soundly Biblically based and gives the story of how God can take our deepest pain and use it to help others! It's our past pain that often prepares us for future ministry. Thank you Denise Mountenay for being a bright light in a culture of darkness!”
Margaret Gibb-Founder President of Women Alive & Women Together
"I have to admit that I was a bit hesitant just before starting to read your book The Bride, The Serpent & the Seed. However, I never thought it would be so exciting to read.
Your vast knowledge of the scriptures is amazing. The depth of your biblical and knowledge of worldly affairs is commendable. It's so much more than just a book on abortion.
Everyone, especially Christians need to read your book to be awakened of the growing sin in this world. A wake up call.
You make it so clear that instead of drink your coffee and eating your donut in church and enjoying the show, get out into the battlefield and start saying NO to sin.
The problem is that sin has gotten so deep rooted in the church that it will take people like you to put some fuel on the fire that's almost gone out.
My wife and I have been in some very large Christian gatherings this year and when it comes to the subject of the Gay movement, Transgender issue, Abortion and common-law relationships the Christian family is very close to 50% complacent.”
Be blessed,
Dennis Spenst - Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship Intl. - President - Langley Chapter
NEWS FLASH-Denise has just finished the script for a movie about her story!
Her story is typical for millions of women. She was raped at 13, and never told anyone. She had a teen pregnancy, and knows the pain of abortion. After an encounter with the Lord, she became a Pro Life Activist, and God began to open doors for her to lead teams of post abortive women into the United Nations and globally to be a voice for their children who had no voice.
This is the big vision: exposing the lies and rhetoric of the abortion industry, and reveal how legal abortion hurts pregnant women, and kills children before birth.
So many people are deceived, and think its just a choice, and safe procedure, which it is not for millions of women and children. This TRUTH must be shared, as it will change HEARTS, MINDS, LAWS and HISTORY globally!
"We defeat Satan by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony..." Rev. 12:11
WE NEED YOUR HELP to PRODUCE this FILM for such a time as this!
It must be done with "excellence, not cheezy.
We need to raise 3 million dollars at least, so every bit helps!
WILL YOU SOW A SEED offering to bring LIGHT and TRUTH to the forefront and into the marketplace?
Please contact Denise at
Thank You so much for your prayers and financial support! God bless you more and more!
Denise Mountenay, a former abortion patient herself who had irreparable damage done to her cervix and uterus, along with a cancer scare having had two lumps removed from her left breast, also suffered years of deep remorse, grief and substance abuse because of her legal, but unsafe abortions.
Denise felt an urgent need to produce a documentary with all the latest scientific evidence on the BREAST CANCER LINK, PRETERM BIRTH RISK and MENTAL HEALTH issues in the aftermath of legal abortion. She also wanted to include testimonies from other women also hurt and injured by legal abortion.
She produced her first documentary on the subject in 2012, entitled, "Do No Harm".
Then Denise met a producer and helped develop and co-produced the Hush Documentary. She is featured in this award-winning film. It is a about a Pro Choice female director who does some investigative reporting by interviewing many doctors, researchers,scientists and post abortive women to discover huge cover-ups in the breast cancer link, preterm birth risk and mental health problems for women in the aftermath. It is a great resource for every Pro Life Group and needs to be aired on every broadcast. Women have a right to know about all of the risks and complications, and if they choose an abortion, they could be choosing Breast Cancer, Sterility, Preterm births in future wanted children, and mental health problems in the aftermath.
Please contact Together for Life Ministries if you are interested in getting a copy of HUSH from us.
Together for Life Ministries
Denise Mountenay
International Speaker/Author/Human Rights Advocate
P.O. Box 3,
Tumbler Ridge,BC. V0C 2W0
Whats App/Cell/1-780-267-5714
For 30+ years now, Denise has been sharing her personal testimony on rape, teen pregnancy and the pain of legal abortion, and how it took the lives of her children. She has spoken in Conferences, Universities, High Schools, Churches, Marches, Prisons as well as many interviews on Radio and Television. Denise was awarded the Queen's Jubilee Medal for her work, and is an Ordained minister of the Gospel. She is the Chief Administrative Officer for an NGO and has been bringing teams into the United Nations Headquarters in New York and Geneva for about 15 years.
Denise has been there, she knows about the pain of abortion, but she also uses the latest scientific evidence proving that legal abortion is harmful to women's mental and reproductive health.
Youth, Young Adults and society need to hear this testimony which exposes the lies and rhetoric of abortion providers, and brings insight and awareness on how to be a strong voice for the voiceless. She also teaches on the humanity of children in utero, and gives practical information and encouragement to never give up.
Denise is a National Best Selling Author, her new book, The Bride, The Serpent & The Seed is now into its 4th Printing, and has some great Book Reviews too. This cutting-edge books is about her story, and how many pregnant women are lied to and pressured into having abortions by an industry which profits off the backs of pregnant women. She also shares her spiritual journey and how God called her out of darkness and into His light to be bold and courageous to go public and share her mess to a Message. She also brings the scientific evidence on the Breast Cancer Link, Preterm birth risk and mental health issues in the aftermath of abortion. "We defeat Satan by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony..." Rev. 12:11
Denise had irreparable damage done to her cervix and uterus, had to have two lumps removed from her left breast, and suffered years of depression and substance abuse in the aftermath of legal abortion.
Therefore, she was compelled to produce the HUSH documentary to uncover the lies and disclose the alarming mountain of studies proving induced abortion is linked to BREAST CANCER, PRETERM BIRTHS and MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEMS in the aftermath. Truth is, HUSH was her idea, and she is the Co-Executive Producer of this award-winning documentary. Please contact us for copies. Your donations help send Denise into the United Nations and wherever God opens doors for her to bring this mess to a message for such a time as this.
Having a PRO-LIFE Banquet, Fundraiser, AGM, Conference or March for Life? Contact Denise at
or WHATS APP at 1-780-267-5714
October, 2016.
Re: Denise Mountenay-Recommendation
To whom it may concern.
I would like to express my esteem and admiration for Denise Mountenay, President and Founder of Canada Silent No More. I had invited her to speak to medical students at the University of Ottawa on the the topic of abortion and post abortion healing. Her presentation was articulate, thoughtful, and deeply moving. Many medical students were touched by her personal story, and reconsidered their position on the abortion issue.
I am privileged to know Denise, and am confident that her tireless work of advocacy for women and the pre-born has saved countless lives, and continues to do so today.
I give her my unreserved and wholehearted recommendation to anyone interested in learning more about this sensitive, yet vital issue.
David D’Souza ARCT B.ArtsSc.(Hons) MD CCFP DTM&H
Chronic Pain and Palliative Care
Tropical Medicine and Parasitology
Toronto, Ontario
July 5, 2018.
RE: Mrs Denise Mountenay, author, speaker and human rights advocate
I am pleased to give a hearty recommendation for Mrs Denise Mountenay as a knowledgeable speaker and expert on the issue of abortion. She has been a faithful and dedicated member of Endeavour Forum, Inc., for the past 14 years.
Over this period, Denise has led many teams into the United Nations (UN) in New York during the annual conferences of the Commission on the Status of Women. She has proven herself to be an excellent leader, and a passionate and informed presenter. We are proud of her work representing our NGO.
Denise has coordinated many UN Parallel Events. This year she also organized her first Side Event inside the UN – a remarkable achievement. She has also submitted several written statements regarding the violation of human rights of children before birth, as well as giving oral statements before UN member-states and delegates.
Furthermore, Denise has attended and participated at UN events in Bangkok, Thailand, and, during the past six years, has led teams into the UN headquarters in Geneva. She continues to meet with many UN ambassadors and delegates, giving presentations on the adverse impact of legalized abortion on women’s mental and reproductive health, as well as highlighting the humanity of preborn children.
I had the pleasure of appointing Denise as Endeavour Forum’s UN chief administrative officer.
She is a committed Christian, and we support her work and ministry.
Best regards,
Mrs Babette Francis,
National & Overseas Co-ordinator, Endeavour Fourm, Inc.
May 6, 2019
I am happy to write this letter of recommendation for Denise Mountenay, Together for Life Ministries, as she was a keynote speaker at the Regina Diocesan Catholic Women's League annual convention on May 6, 2019.
As president of Regina Diocesan Catholic Women's League, it was my responsibility to book speakers at our annual convention in Weyburn, Saskatchewan. I saw Denise at the National CWL Convention in Winnipeg last August, and purchased her latest book, The Bride, the Serpent, and the Seed. I was very impressed with her story as were some of my colleagues from the Regina diocesan CWL.
Denise gave an excellent presentation at our convention this year. Her own story about abortion is compelling. She gave us much more than that by showing the trailer for HUSH which documents the breast cancer link to abortion, the link of abortion to premature births in subsequent pregnancies, and the link to depression and mental health disorders that can last long after the abortion. She told us about her work internationally bringing this message to the UN and the many conferences that she attends where she gives witness to the Gospel of Life.
About 150 people attended this session of our convention and when Denise finished speaking she was given a standing ovation, and then we sung the CWL blessing over her. There were many good comments about her presentation.
Denise is an articulate speaker with a very important message for Catholic women, men, children and families. I enthusiastically endorse her message.
Marilyn Schuck
(More references available on request)
In 2019, Denise brought a team into the UN CSW and hosted a Side Event to a packed audience. She also went to Geneva and hosted a Parallel Event with an OB/GYN speaker. She attended the National Catholic Women's League Convention in August in Winnipeg, Manitoba. She spoke at the XII World Congress of Families Conference in Moldova, Sept. 12 to 16th, then she spent a week in Jerusalem, Israel to pray and take part in Yom Kippur. She also spoke at the Intl. ProLife Conference in Israel.
Now we are preparing to bring another team into the UN this March 2019, your prayers and support are needed and appreciated, so we can impact global leaders exposing the lies, and proclaiming the truth about the right to life for every human being, no matter how small.
Whether as a keynote speaker or a workshop leader, Denise brings insight and education to one of the most controversial issues of our day. With the power of her testimony and the use of published studies, she teaches on the evidence proving legal abortion is harmful to women, and took the lives of her children. Let Denise help you move from hearing the rhetoric, to knowing how to answer those mantras. How to go from the regrets of yesterday's, to the world of tomorrow's victories. There is hope for women after abortion and people need to know the truth about this prevalent practice so rampant in our generation.
After publishing her first book, Forgiven, a true story, which became a National Best Seller in Canada, she dedicated herself full time to bringing her testimony and message to people in conferences around the world. Her new book, The Bride, The Serpent & The Seed is now available and into its fourth printing!
The key to success and productivity are already in our hands. You just need someone to show you the lock and have the faith to open the door.
As an experienced speaker and innovator, Denise will bring new life and inspiration to your next event. Contact us, and we can design a presentation or workshop that fits the needs that you have today.
What is it that is holding you in the present and keeping you from accessing your brightest future? This presentation is built on years working with Pro Life groups who are trying to stay ahead of the next wave. I will help you and your team figure out, not just what is coming next, but how to shape what is coming next.
As a former abortion patient, I was lied to and deceived by doctors. Like most women pressured to have abortions. After an encounter with the Lord Jesus Christ, I knew that I was to be a voice for my children who had no voice. God called me out of darkness and into His light to expose the pain and damage women suffer, and bring humanity to children in utero.
The Bride, The Serpent & The Seed is on its way to being a National Best Seller. This book has got several great Book Reviews by The St. Albert Gazette, The Free Press and Christian Leaders.
Your support and contributions will enable us to help pregnant women choose LIFE. To Reach, Teach and Mobilize people on how to be a voice for the voiceless. PLEASE SOW A SEED TO HELP FUND THE MOVIE ABOUT DENISE'S TESTIMONY. REV. 12:11
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Your prayers, support and contributions will enable us to help SAVE LIVES!
To Reach, Teach and Mobilize people on how to be a voice for the voiceless. 2 Cor. 8 & 9 challenges us to continually give to the LORD's work.
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THANK YOU for your prayers and support! Shalom. For books and DVD's use PayPal button below here.
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